The wild city: collaborative practises in urban renaturing

Manuel Alméstar, Nieves Mestre y Sara Romero

This book delves into the realm of urban nature regeneration through multi-stakeholder co-creative processes. The book showcases recent projects that demonstrate the capacity of urban nature to strengthen citizen commitment towards environmental care and behavioral change. By engaging diverse stakeholders, (artists, scientists, urban designers, and citizens), these projects do not only enhance social-ecological performance but also maximize longterm sustainability impacts. Drawing insights from recent EU-funded projects, it explores diverse interventions ranging from metropolitan-scale initiatives to building-scale interventions. Through this novel state-of-practice, the book seeks to unlock the potential of co-creation as a catalyst for interdisciplinary knowledge exchange, project impact amplification, and climate adaptation effective actions.
The Wild City invites readers to envision a future where co-creation and urban greening intersect, offering a roadmap towards resilient, aesthetically appealing, and social-ecologically viable urban landscapes that thrive in harmony with nature.

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